Bunkbed mattresses require careful consideration.

Bunk beds are real space-savers in a small room, aren't they? But bunkbeds require special mattresses, so if you are considering the purchase of bunkbed mattresses, take a moment to read this very helpful article.

The Importance of Bunk Bed Mattresses
By Dani Martin

Bunk bed mattresses are perhaps the most important kind of mattresses. This is because safety risks exist when wrong-sized bunk bed mattresses are purchased. As such it is critical to know precisely the size of the mattress you are seeking.

After determining the size of the mattress you need, the two factors to consider are firmness and construction. Firmness refers to the comfort of the mattress and making sure that it is consistent across all areas. Construction refers to how the mattress is manufactured. A more expensive bunk bed mattress will often have thicker padding, higher coil counts, better wire gauge and/or a mattress pad.

Interestingly, while coil count is typically directly correlated with the cost of a mattress, it has only a small impact on durability. When a mattress sags, rather, it is caused by the padding. As a result, when comparing two bunk bed mattresses, you should look for the one with thicker, better quality padding.

Unfortunately, the bedding industry is marketing-crazed in that retailers often bombard customers with irrelevant and inaccurate information in hopes of selling the highest priced items. Be sure to avoid any hype and seek a durable, thickly padded mattress. Shopping online, and comparing prices across websites, also helps to avoid the marketing hype.

Bunk Beds Info provides information on the types of bunk beds that are available, and how and where to buy a bunk bed.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/

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